LUV NFT Creates A New Public Housing Blueprint With Marcy NYC NFT Collection

5 min readJun 14, 2022

JAY-Z isn’t the only one giving back to Marcy Houses. On Friday (June 10), Hahz along with his wife Dr. Candy announced that they’re giving away 444 Marcy Houses NYC 5D NFTs to the first 444 Marcy housing project residents that provide proof of current residency and their Polygon wallet address in their LUV NFT Telegram or via email

LUV NFT challenges Jay-Z and former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to purchase the remaining 1,261 Marcy Houses NYC 5D NFTs that can be written off as a non-profit donation and give them away to residents to further their financial literacy. Holding a digital asset in your wallet that can easily be flipped for 10x the price will inspire the masses understand the value of virtual real estate ownership while learning how to profit in the new digital economy. Education is the key to onboarding people of color who never had the luxury of having physical assets passed down from generations. Digital assets are the new physical assets and they can passed down to your children while you’re alive.

LUV NFT created a challenge for all Brooklyn residents who want to educate any Marcy houses residents on how to set up a MetaMask to accept a Polygon NFT airdrop. LUV NFT will pay a missionary who successfully teaches one of the 1705 residents how to onboard to Web 3 $500 in their native ERC20 Polygon token $LUV. If Jay-Z & Jack Dorsey accept the challenge of buying out the collection, LUV NFT will pay missionaries $5000 in their native ERC20 Polygon token $LUV token for each resident they onboard.

A missionary can take x amount of time a day to educate a Marcy resident about the new digital economy. Once the mission is accomplished the missionary has to take a picture with a resident they onboarded, holding up a MetaMask wallet screen, along with proof of Marcy Houses residency. All proof of onboarding can be sent to LUV NFT will repost all the pictures of proof of onboarding in their Instagram stories.

Hov, along with Jack Dorsey announced last week that they’re teaming up on a 12-week financial literacy program, The Bitcoin Academy for residents of the Marcy Houses project in Brooklyn.

Jack Dorsey is also buzzing in the Web 3 community after his announcement of Web 5 with no clarity on what it entails.

“I’ll clarify on what Web 5 is, it’s the 5th dimension where love (LUV) is the only true currency. It’s time the world knows the truth of how currency works. Your Vibration Bank Account funds anything you can imagine if your belief and passion is stronger than your doubts or fear. Having joy and positive vibes will keep your currency of money flowing. Money is infinite despite the lies we all we were all told. We have all witnessed how fear crippled the the value of Web 3 cryptocurrency. It’s time to try something new called LUV.” Hahz

Web 3 companies aren’t doing enough to help people in real life, in the event of our current economy. The market is bear currently because Web 3 was created to help others and not for brands to hoard cash during times like this. If anyone wants to give back to Marcy Housing residents they can buy one of the fractionalized 1,705 LUV NFT Estate apartments and volunteer their time to educate a resident on how to onboard to Web 3 to accept donations in our Telegram.

Marcy Houses is a New York Housing Authority (NYCHA) project built-in 1949. It has 27 six-story buildings with 1,705 apartments housing 4,200 residents on 28 acres in an isolated area of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

Virtual real estate in 2021 increased 500% and as a Tokenopoly-themed platform LUV NFT is onboarding the masses to Web 5 with digital asset ownership. LUV NFT created a social media-friendly digital marketing strategy to allow LNElords to flex their virtual properties. Creators couldn’t profit from their social media trends until Web 5 emerged. LUV NFT Market allows creators to own their content and level up by supporting their tribe.

“Everyone knows how to play the game of Monopoly, we recreated Monopoly with NFTs and call it Tokenopoly so as a nonprofit we educate those who invest in themselves as an avatar. The masses have been using crypto masked as Web 2 for the last five years, this fear of learning Web 3 or Web 5 is an illusion projected by the media.” Hahz

In 2020 Hahz & Candy launched BLK LUV [org] a blockchain nonprofit dedicated to creating a pandemic relief solution after hearing about 70% of black-owned businesses closing due to a lack of capital. BLK LUV org believes that small businesses could have been easily onboarded to Web 3 in the year 2020 if small businesses were provided crypto capital as a pandemic relief solution.

“Everything has to be recreated on Web 5 including a new blueprint for non-profits. Anyone who wants to donate to a purpose no longer has to send money to a nonprofit in hopes of the money being used for its intended purposes. Anyone can purchase a LUV NFT and donate it directly to anyone in the world, because an NFT is a crypto gift card with digital money on it. We could end world hunger this year when we all align as a collective consciousness to educate small businesses about blockchain technology and teach each other about the solutions that have already been created. If a company is trying to monopolize a blockchain industry from the Web 2 mentality of greed your brand is #ngmi. The universe isn’t going to allow that this explains why cryptocurrency is currently in bear crypto market.” The Wizard of Hahz

Hahz & Candy donate their Web 3 services to all LUV NFT Estate (LNE) LNElords via Telegram by way of their blockchain nonprofit. Unity and relearning what currency is from the frequency of love is the way. Reshare this article and tag @luvnft if you believe in “Purpose over Profit”.




LUV NFT is the Apple of the Web5 purpose economy. Dapps (decentralized apps) are the new apps with 0% middleman fees. “IN LUV WE TRUST” ✨💜